Facial Reflexology the Bergman Method has many unique benefits, it can help the symptoms connected to Migraines, Bruxism, Tinnitus, loss of smell or taste with Bells Palsy as in addition. By using the reflexology sequence I will also massage muscle structures and facial nerves which can cause these conditions when constricted and compressed. The face provides a beautiful and precise tool to read what is going on within the body's internal organs, central nervous system and neuro-biological system. By applying energy healing techniques, use a facial reflexology crystal tools, lymphatic drainage massage movements and specific Facial Reflexology reflex points I can focus on a distinct specialist area to help relieve pain, stress, discomfort and improve the quality of skin tone and texture.

These first few steps into the facial reflexology treatment will send you into a fast and deep relaxed state. This treatments will help you to feel reset, rebalanced and deeply relaxed.

The Full reflexology treatment includes working on all areas on the body, slowly working on the 10 zones of the body. You will experience a smooth and relaxing transition of muscle manipulation, pressure points and lymphatic draining. The treatment has enhanced powers with amethyst and clear quartz crystal and the ultimate blend of Zone Face Lift Facial Elixir - Serum

This full body reflexology experience brings a superior level of relaxation. It provide top to toe energy rebalance which focus on the reflex zones of the Face and Feet. With the option of combining the facial reflexology, the Zone Face Lift Facial Elixir - Serum ingredients includes Amethyst and clear quartz crystal combined with White poppy seed oil to create the ultimate deep relaxation state.

Reflexology is a type of massage that involves applying different amounts of pressure to the feet to help rebalance the whole body. The reflexology treatments are provided on a heated couch with the use of CBD Balm to aid relaxation. There are some added holistic luxuries to really help rebalance your mind , body and soul.

Hand reflexology can be hugely relaxing as a sole treatment or as an add on. This treatment works on the same principles as the feet but can also add tension release to the muscles and joints of the hand. The reflexology treatments are provided on a heated couch with the use of CBD Balm to aid relaxation. There are some added holistic luxuries to really help rebalance your mind , body and soul.

This treatment is designed to bring all the scattered senses, thoughts and feelings to the center. It will help certain behavioral complexities including ADHD, Anxiety, difficulty sleeping and worry. The nerves are calmed via pressure points on the nerve endings. The treatment is provided in a comfortable environment that parents can also relax in.